For GOD so loved the world
HE GAVE his one and only son...

JOHN 3:16

Why we give

God is generous in nature and he calls us to be as well.  What we do with what God has given us reveals our hearts and helps us proclaim the gospel. As a church, we value generosity and commit to being irrationally generous with everything we have. Our goal is to glorify God with every area of our lives, including our finances.



Donors will be directed to Sign-In or Sign-Up with SecureGive. New Donors will be asked to Select a Payment Method: Enter New Card OR Enter New Bank Account (ACH payments directly from checking or savings account). You also have the option online to make giving easier by setting up recurring giving.

automate giving and recurring gifts

We would ask you to consider automating your giving or setting up recurring gifts. You can do this through giving online and using our SecureGive platform to set up recurring gifts and/or fill out an ACH form to set up automatic giving through your bank. Contact us if you have questions! Our team can provide more info and give step by step instructions. Automated giving allows us to do ministry with confidence that we can fund it, AND helps every giver be consistent and faithful in their commitment to be generous and support the ministry of Fair Oaks!


You can give in person at worship services on Sundays in the giving boxes or drop off gifts to the church office (Hours: M-F 10a-3p) OR mail in cash/check gifts to our church office address at 11427 Fair Oaks Blvd. Fair Oaks, CA 95628. 

what method is most cost effective for the church?

If you want to give in a way that most benefits our church, we recommend cash, check or ACH payments. Credit card transactions cost approximately 2.5% of donation, while ACH payments cost $1.25 per transaction.

financial status

general fund

February 2025
Income $262,671
Expenses $189,884
Net Income $72,787

YTD Net Income (Jul 2024 - Feb 2025) $180,756

missions fund

February 2025
Income $14,790
Expenses $16,207
Net Loss ($1,417)

YTD Net Income (Jul 2024 - Feb 2025) $63,176

kids & youth center

Loan Balance

Balance Due November of 2025

kids & youth center

After spending years dreaming, praying and planning, we built the Kids & Youth Center in 2015, an $8M project we were able to fund because of faithful supporters in our church family. This space been an instrumental tool to help us reach the next generation of Jesus followers, but we are not done paying it off yet! See the financial status information above to view the current balance (due in November of 2025).  If you want to give a gift towards this, designate your gift towards "Kids & Youth Center" via check, envelope or giving online. We appreciate your above-and-beyond generosity to invest in the next generation!

giving commitment for 2025

Our Session has approved the ministry funding plan (budget) for the 2024-2025 fiscal year (July-June). If you'd like to learn more, click the button below to see the breakdown of how resources are allocated. Prayerfully consider how God is leading you to contribute by giving this year and submit a commitment to contribute financially. We invite you to bring commitment cards to turn in as part of worship services on November 17, 2024. We post monthly financial updates in our weekly bulletins and The Weekly to keep you informed.

Have questions about giving
or need help?

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.