For far too long, the church has been known for what it is against.
catch the vision
In January, 2022 - we began to launch the big vision of God being FOR us and how we can be FOR others! Watch these messages to help understand our mission as Jesus followers to reach our community in Fair Oaks by sharing the message that God is FOR them! It's our goal to continue to incorporate this into the DNA of who we are and what we do as a church family. We hope you commit to participating with us in bringing this vision to life!
how you can be for fair oaks
Here are a few small and practical ways we can start showing others we are FOR them because God is FOR them. We hope God will begin to use these opportunities to help us create conversations, make connections and build relationships with others to share the good news that Jesus is FOR them and we are too!
own a restaurant
Pick a local business near where you live/work and intentionally eat there regularly. This opens the door to creating intentional connections. Make an effort to get to know the staff and customers. Find out what you have in common and build on that. This can lead to conversations with people about how you are FOR them because God is FOR them! Give it a try and let us know how it’s going!
pay it backwards
This is one small way we can begin to share the FOR message with our community! Put a FOR Fair Oaks bumper magnet on your car. Show you are FOR someone by paying for the person behind you in the drive-thru. It's that simple! We never know how God will use small gestures of kindness to touch the hearts of people. Let's give it a try and watch God work!