
“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”

Matthew 28:19-20

Go into all the world...

At Fair Oaks Church, reaching people for Jesus in our neighborhoods and around the world is a huge part of who we are.
We value investing in and supporting local ministries and missionaries around the world. We are passionate about participating in the Great Commission and sharing the good news of Jesus with everyone!

volunteer with
our local food bank

You can help our community by volunteering at the Orangevale-Fair Oaks Food Bank! As a church, we're committed to helping distribute food on a monthly basis. We need ~15 volunteers from 9am-1pm on the second Friday of each month.
NEXT DISTRIBUTION DATE: June 14th (9a-12:30pm)

miqlat sponsorships

Become a sponsor to help children and young adults in rural Malawi. This program creates access to a new quality of life and expands opportunities for flourishing instead of just surviving. Sponsors give $46 per child per month. This provides high quality education (at Miqlat Primary School, Private Secondary School or Trade School), uniforms and all necessary school supplies, daily nutritious meals, access to quality healthcare, sustainable agricultural techniques, life-giving spiritual discipleship. Contact Lauri with questions or if you want to become a sponsor.

2024 Team Trips

La Esperanza, Mexico

July 27 – August 3

The team will work with Mexican Medical missionaries at their facility in Baja California. The team works on projects around the compound or in the community in the morning and helps with Vacation Bible School in the afternoons at a nearby migrant camp. In the evenings there are ministries in the community that the team participates in with the local church. This is a multi-generational trip.

Approximate cost: $850
Age: 6 years +
Children in elementary school must have an adult with them.

Malawi, Africa

June 13 – 30

The team will work with Miqlat at their two orphan care centers building relationships and helping staff with daily programs. The Team will also help in the classrooms as school will still be in session and will help in other ways in the community.

Approximate cost: $4500
Age: 15 years +


Local Partners

We believe in supporting and serving our local community in addition to reaching the ends of the earth. 

Global Partners

We support missionaries and agencies doing God's work
in spreading the Gospel all around the world!

connect with our missions team

got questions? need more info? Fill out this form so we can help!